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Profiling and Logging

The Profiler class is responsible for profiling the code and logging. The main use case of it is within the feature view.

How it Works

To enable Profiler to work on a method, there is a decorator that, when added to a method, modifies the method call to pass the function and its arguments to the run method of the Profiler.

from seshat.profiler import track

def example_method(*args, **kwargs):

Default Patching

The Profiler has a class method track_default_methods. This method, by default, tracks some important methods within the project. These include:

  • The __call__ method of transformers
  • The fetch, save, insert, update, and create_table methods of the Source
  • The convert method of SFrame

To achieve this, it searches through all files, finds the modules and their methods, and adds the track decorator to them.

Setup Profiler

To set up the profiler, the setup method must be called. This method first ensures the directory for logs exists. Then, if default patching is enabled, the patching is executed. After that, Python logging is configured, and the logger is set into the Profiler.


The Profiler has a ProfileConfig dataclass. This dataclass has these fields:

  • log_level
  • log_dir
  • show_in_console
  • default_tracking
  • mem_profile_conf
  • cprofile_conf

mem_profile_conf is itself another dataclass (MemProfileConfig) that shows the memory profiling configuration. These configurations have these fields:

  • log_path
  • enable

cprofile_conf is another field of ProfileConfig. This field is also a dataclass (CProfileConfig) with these fields:

  • log_path
  • enable

Event Logging

By setting up the profiler, overall logging will be enabled for each tracked method. These logs contain the following information:

  • Alert when the method starts
  • Alert when the method finishes
  • Time spent and memory changes

CProfile Logging

CProfile logging shows how many times each method is executed and provides various timing information about the execution of the method.

Memory Profile Logging

The memory profile shows the change in memory usage for each line of the tracked methods.

Example Configuration

Here is an example of how to configure the profiler:

from seshat.profiler import Profiler, ProfileConfig, MemProfileConfig, CProfileConfig

# Configuration
profile_config = ProfileConfig(
mem_profile_conf=MemProfileConfig(log_path="memory.txt", enable=True),
cprofile_conf=CProfileConfig(log_path="cprofile.txt", enable=True),

# Setup

Example of Event Logs

By enabling profiling and setting show_in_console to true, the event logs will print on the console.

2024-06-18 13:01:08,283 - INFO - >>> start LocalSource.fetch:
- /path_to_seshat_sdk/seshat/sdk-seshat-python/seshat/source/local/
2024-06-18 13:01:08,625 - INFO - >>> finish LocalSource.fetch:
- Memory Changing: +78.21875 MB
- Time Spent in method itself: 0.000024 seconds
- Cumulative Time Spent: 0.128086 seconds
- /path_to_seshat_sdk/seshat/sdk-seshat-python/seshat/source/local/
2024-06-18 13:01:08,625 - INFO - >>> start Pipeline.__call__:
- /path_to_seshat_sdk/seshat/sdk-seshat-python/seshat/transformer/pipeline/
2024-06-18 13:01:08,836 - INFO - >>> finish Pipeline.__call__:
- Memory Changing: +0.015625 MB
- Time Spent in method itself: 0.000002 seconds
- Cumulative Time Spent: 0.000015 seconds
- /path_to_seshat_sdk/seshat/sdk-seshat-python/seshat/transformer/pipeline/

By understanding how to configure and use the Profiler, you can effectively monitor and optimize the performance of your code, ensuring efficient and resource-aware execution.